Thursday, May 2, 2013

When a Child Blossoms

The Joy of spreading the Joy for Writing!

"Dear Chandran and Amy,

We would like to say a big Thank You to you, for the Writing my First Storybook workshop you conducted at Canvass Art Studio 2 months ago. 

Ariel enjoyed the workshop tremendously and was elated to see her story being published into a book. It was certainly a surprise for her :) 

Ariel plotting her story.
As parents, we'll like to thank you for conducting workshops as these, and your passion in teaching children is just so evident to us. We could tell that she learnt a lot from the workshop as well, as she could now use appropriate terms like protagonist, antagonist, whenever she read a book these days.

We look forward to more workshops conducted by you, whether it is with Canvass or ACT 3 Theatrics.

Thank you, once again and Have a great holiday!


Agnes Goh
parent of Ariel Neo"